Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well, it's finally here. I can't believe how long you can drag a move out! It's been painfully slow. We have been staying in a hotel at Ft. Wainwright since last Tuesday. It's new, and very nice. We have two suites. They have kitchenettes, so that's nice. It was such a relief to leave behind the chaos at the house. It took the entire week. The storage people were SLOW! Anyway, now I'm at that stage (too familiar) where I almost kinda hope our crate falls off the boat on it's way to Germany. We have SO much stuff. We fly out tomorrow afternoon at 1:00, and will arrive in DC about 7 the next morning. As if just moving wasn't enough--more than enough--Ephraim and Sophia were sick all day yesterday (bad stomach pains, vomiting, nausea)and I got it last night! Talk about fun in a hotel! We will be glad to finally get going tomorrow, I think. I'm tired and nauseated, so I must go now. Love to you all,

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Anxiously awaiting news of your across the seas move! Love you girl.